Monday, March 7, 2011

Dr. Seuss and Integrity?

Our Beehive Advisor is the mother of small children.  For her lesson on Integrity this month, she pulled out a classic Dr. Seuss story of Horton Hatches the Egg.  The girls were enthralled as she read part and told part of the story of the elephant who is "faithful 100%."  Our Young Women, after all, are still children and love a good story!  Horton's dilemma fit the lesson perfectly as we discussed challenges we face as we strive to remain faithful.  What do we do to "shore up" our testimonies?  How do we keep going when life is difficult and choices are hard?  Is there a "happy ending?"  I felt it was a very effective and creative way to teach her lesson. 

Have you found a story or children's book that helped you teach a Gospel principle to the Young Women?