Wednesday, May 23, 2012

YW and Safety

Once every couple of years, I  like to invite a local police office, a woman if possible, to come and talk to the girls.  So many are naive about the dangers in the world and need to know how to be aware of their surroundings and not take unnecessary risks.  Often, YW think that because they live in a gated community, a small town, or on a BYU campus, they are protected from danger.  I do not believe that a Mutual night is the place for a self-defense class but I think it is a good idea to warn them about jogging alone, keeping their car doors locked, not helping strangers in secluded places, etc.  We have, at times, had police officers in our ward that we have invited.  I ask them to come in full uniform and sometimes invite the YW from other local wards to join us.  While they are exposed to much, often young people feel they are invincible.  Texting, talking on the cell phone, and listening to iPods can put them at particular risk because their attention is focused elsewhere.  It is important for them to know that there is a safe time and a safe place to do these things. 

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